Tag Archives: plane

Burritos, the French Woman and DFW

1 Aug

So I almost missed lunch today.

Not on purpose, of course, but I almost ran out of time!  I had over an hour and a half before my connecting flight to Detroit when I arrived at the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport, which seemed like plenty of time to find some lunch.  First I had to ride the skyline all the way from the C gates to the D gates.  It would seem like they would be adjacent to each other- you know, common sense alphabetical order? Somehow I still had to take the skyline and it went from C to E and THEN to the D gates!  When I finally found my gate I quickly scanned the area for a healthy food choice.  I decided to try 360 degree Gourmet Burritos.  It looked promising, they even had a veggie burrito with a whole wheat wrap!  It turned out to be a BAD choice.  It took FOREVER. There was only one girl working both the register AND making the burritos.  By the time I figured out that it would be a while before I got my order it was too late to find another place to eat.

I did get to listen in on an interesting conversation between a German woman from France, who lives in Dallas and a girl who was going on a trip to a foreign country talk about their travels, problems with people mispronouncing their names (both very unique names) and where they were traveling to. Before they left with their burritos the girl asked the German/French woman if she could be her friend on fb!! LOL  At least I was entertained while waiting!

A year later eventually I got my burrito and ran off to the gate as I knew they would already be boarding.  Luckily I got there with plenty of time.  By this time I was very hungry and was so impatient to eat my burrito that I started digging into it before we even took off.  It was pretty good with black beans, rice, and steamed? zucchini, squash, eggplant.  Of course I then somehow dripped salsa all over my shirt! And of course, I forgot to take a picture for the blog…

Sometimes you just can’t win. 😉

A trip up north and pickle pops

30 Jul

“I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it!” I will be taking a trip to visit my parents in Michigan tomorrow! I’m so happy to finally be getting a real vacation from my  summer “vacation!”  It’ll be the first time this summer that I’ve traveled, which is sad since this is the only time of year I have the time to go places. I’ll be sure to be taking LOTS of photos of my trip so expect a picture-heavy post when I get back.

My sister, Katie, will be having her big art show this weekend, so that should be fun, and exciting for her as she had to apply and be selected to participate.  Check out a little of her creative spark here!  She is so artistic and makes jewelry out of just about anything you can think of: bottle caps, metal cookie tins, leather scraps, beads, vintage buttons, you name it, she uses it!  I hope the show goes well for her, the economy is tough on artsy-fartsy people like her!

How random is it that Anne is also traveling to Michigan, from Texas tomorrow?!  I wonder if we’ll have a blogger meet up on board one on our flights!

Here’s my random bit of the day! I saw this at my local grocery store and HAD to take a picture! Would you try these?!?!

Mmm, pickle pops! Ick! Really what is up with this? Who would pay money for pickle juice?